Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday. Thank you to the donors of Heart of Jasper!

In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, we want to take a moment and thank the donors of Heart of Jasper. If you have given your time or given financially, we appreciate the support! Thank you for helping us make a difference in downtown Jasper.

We want to give a shout out to one couple-our Genesis 12 donor. At the beginning of 2021, Heart of Jasper was approached with an opportunity of a lifetime...little did we know what kind of impact this opportunity would have on our downtown! The Heart of Jasper members can't express enough gratitude for the anonymous Genesis 12 Donor. "We are blessed SO THAT we can bless others." Wow! Genesis 12 Donor, you are a blessing to this community and the small business owners in our downtown.

 In 2021, you helped small businesses survive through COVID by giving $120,000 to 11 downtown businesses. In 2022, you provided Heart of Jasper with the chance to offer a new business incentive to attract new businesses to the downtown. Eight businesses received a total of $125,000 to help start up or relocate their business to the downtown.

You're generosity and gracious giving has made an incredible difference in downtown Jasper and in the lives of the small business owners. We are forever grateful. Thank you for being a blessing to all of us in the heart of Jasper.


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