Heart of Jasper's Quarter 2 Recap

Heart of Jasper's Quarter 2 Recap

To Our Supporters:

Time flies when you are having fun! The First and Second quarter of the year have been full of action. There is a lot happening downtown and we are happy to be a part of it. Thank you for supporting us along the way. We are grateful for each and every one of you. Here is an update for Quarter 2:

Economic Vitality Committee:

Round 3 of the Façade Grant program closed in February with 14 applications submitted! Seven projects were selected for funding totaling over $176,000 in building improvements. Congratulations to the recipients! We want to thank the City of Jasper for this partnership and the funding to make this program possible!

The New Business Incentive will continue through our gracious Genesis 12 Donor. Heart of Jasper is accepting applications for start up or relocating businesses to open in the downtown district. We want to thank the Genesis 12 donor for continuing to bless others with their generous giving!

The 2023 Recipients:

Oink Inc Smokehouse

Riah Jane & Co

The Playce-coming soon!

Since January, 7 new businesses opened in the Heart of Jasper and 4 existing businesses relocated into the Heart of Jasper.


Save the date for the Open House of Vacant Buildings on Thursday August 24th. More details to come!


Design Committee:

Love Your Community Clean Up-15 volunteers from Kimball Electronics volunteered their time to assist Heart of Jasper in planting the flowers in the 17 flower pots on Main Street.

Through a partnership with IU, a student in the Architect and Design school, designed the Astra Alleys using an art deco theme, hanging lights, and unique colors. We are excited to see these alleys come to life! Painting will begin on July 5th.

Downtown Courthouse Infrastructure and Revitalization Project-Construction is moving along and we are in the final quadrant! The plans for the project can be found here: https://www.jasperindiana.gov/category/subcategory.php?categoryid=42


Promotion Committee:

Movies on Main-This is a new event for Heart of Jasper. We hosted FREE movies at the Astra Theatre one time per month January through April.

Downtown Chowdown on First Thursdays starting in April through October. The event is moved to Thursdays to tie in with First Thursdays at Jasper Community Arts. 14 food trucks, live music, yard games, and a kid theme is tied to each month.

Jasper in Bloom-celebrate Spring in downtown Jasper April through May. Heart of Jasper created a community calendar for all downtown events to be found in one place. Check out the calendar: https://visitduboiscounty.com/jasper-in-bloom/

SOUP-ort the Arts-NEW community soup bowl fundraiser on Sunday April 23rd from 12-2. Sold 175 tickets. Guest chose their favorite ceramic bowl made by a local artist and enjoyed a bowl of soup donated by local restaurants.

Swing into Summer-celebrate Summer in Downtown Jasper! Heart of Jasper created a community calendar for all downtown events to be found in one place. https://www.heartofjasper.org/calendar/

Shop and Sip-third Wednesday of the month from June-October the downtown merchants will be open until 7:00pm with small bites, fun mocktails and shopping.

Save the Date for 3rd Annual Fundraiser-Celebrate the Square on Friday October 13th

More detail on the events can be found at https://www.heartofjasper.org/calendar/


I would love to hear your feedback, ideas, and/or questions. Please reach out at any time via email at [email protected] or via phone at 812-661-2881. Stay in touch by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and our website at www.heartofjasper.org.

Thank you for allowing the Heart of Jasper team to work with you!

Kate Schwenk


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