Heart of Jasper has a New Website!

Heart of Jasper has a New Website!

We are excited to present our NEW website! 

With this website we wanted to create a resource that would keep our community informed with events happening downtown and build a tool that would allow businesses to cross promote and encourage our community to shop local.

On our site, you'll be able to find information from our members/businesses here in town, learn more about who we are and what we do, see community activities & events on our Community Calendar, and look for updates and local stories that share examples of what makes Jasper so great, and so much more.

We're proud to serve our beautiful town of Jasper as well as all of the businesses who make the town what it is. 

If you run a business or nonprofit you can access free tools from Locable to promote your business and automatically enable us to amplify your activities i.e. your events show up in our calendar automatically and changes to your business info shows up in our directory. You can learn more here or get started here (https://impact.locable.com/users/sign_up/).

Thanks to Locable, we are confident that our new site will help us do even more to connect us all and reach more people - visitors and residents alike!

So check it out, tell your friends, and tell us what you think.


Browse Our New Site! www.heartofjasper.org


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