To Our Supporters:
First quarter has been busy! There is a lot happening downtown and we are happy to be a part of it. Thank you for supporting us along the way. We are grateful for each and every one of you. Here is what has been going on in Quarter 1.
Façade Grant Program:
Round 3 of the Façade Grant program closed in February with 14 applications submitted! Seven projects were selected for funding:
Building of Jagged Edge and American Mercantile-519 Main St Jasper IN 47546
Tell City Pretzel- 402 Jackson St Jasper IN 47546
Former Herald Printing Building- 217 East 5th St Jasper IN 47546
The Bra Market- 112 E 7th St Jasper IN 47546
Puzzles and Padlocks and Plaid and Timber-402 McCrillus St Jasper IN 47546
Snaps- 1115 Main St Jasper IN 47546
Boeckmans Furniture- 510 1/2 Main Street Jasper
Congratulations to the recipients! We want to thank the City of Jasper for this partnership and the funding to make this program possible!
New Business Incentive:
The New Business Incentive will continue through our gracious Genesis 12 Donor. Heart of Jasper is accepting applications for start up or relocating businesses to open in the downtown district. We want to thank the Genesis 12 donor for continuing to bless others with their generous giving!
Our first recipient for 2023 is Oink! Oink is relocating to the downtown and will be offering lunch and dinner. Welcome to the downtown, Oink!
Alley Enhancements
Through a partnership with IU, a student in the Architect and Design school, designed the Astra Alleys using an art deco theme, hanging lights, and unique colors. We are excited to see these alleys come to life!
Downtown Courthouse Infrastructure and Revitalization Project
Construction is moving along in the Northwest Quadrant! This quadrant will have the fire pit and the Adirondack chairs in front of Downtown Fitness and Running. We are anxious to see this gathering space when it’s completed! The plans for the project can be found here:
Community Appreciation Night
Our Community Appreciation Night was held on February 16th at St. Benedicts Brew Works. We recognized former board member Patty Brosmer and former president Maureen Braun. Maureen continues to sit on the board. We appreciate both of them serving time with Heart of Jasper!
Movies on Main
This is a new event for Heart of Jasper. We hosted FREE movies at the Astra January through April. The final movie is Friday April 28th at 7:00pm showing the Wizard of Oz!
Upcoming Events
- Downtown Chowdown on First Thursdays starting in April through October. The event is moved to Thursdays to tie in with First Thursdays at Jasper Community Arts.
- Jasper in Bloom-celebrate Spring in downtown Jasper April through May. There is a lot happening downtown during these two months. Check out the calendar:
- SOUP-ort the Arts-community soup bowl fundraiser on Sunday April 23rd from 12-2. Tickets are on sale here:
- Music on Main-*in the works* a new idea with monthly live music on the square. Stay tuned for more details!
- 3rd Annual Dinner on Main Street
More details on the events can be found at
I would love to hear your feedback, ideas, and/or questions. Please reach out at any time via email at [email protected] or via phone at 812-661-2881. Stay in touch by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and our website at
Thank you for allowing the Heart of Jasper team to work with you!
Kate Schwenk